Euro-Park Ząbkowice

Opracowanie Programu Funkcjonalno-Użytkowego oraz szczegółowej, wielobranżowej koncepcji projektowej inwestycji Euro Park-Zabkowice przez Grupa RB.
  • 1235000 m2USABLE AREA
  • Euro-Park Ząbkowice INVESTOR
  • design concept of the investment

Development of a Functional and Utility Program and a detailed multi-discipline design concept for the investment. Preparation of a complete documentation of a multi-discipline urban and cubic design concept of the production and warehouse hall building with office and social facilities, development of the PFU, preparation of a summary statement of costs of the planned investment and author’s supervision during the implementation of the investment. The scope of work also included the preparation of an architectural mock-up containing a model of the property covered by the concept.


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